
The goal of our Bible for Life classes is to make disciples by rightly understanding and applying God’s Word to every aspect of our lives.  

Join Us Sundays at 9:15am

Our Bible for Life classes are designed to give a comprehensive understanding of God’s Word that can be applied in every part of life.
We invite you to look over these classes and prayerfully consider which class will most help you as you continue growing in Christ.

Current Classes

Bible Study

A STUDY IN THE BOOK OF 1 Corinthians

Acts 18 introduces us to the port metropolis of Corinth, the chief city of Greece at the time, where Paul was commanded by Christ (1 Cor 18:9-11) to establish and nurture a church. After a year and a half of teaching them about Jesus the Messiah, Paul left to start other churches.  When he heard of the division and dysfunction that swept through the church in his absence, Paul wrote them to rebuke and correct the fundamental distortions that the Corinthians had allowed to enter into the church. In combating their source of factionalism and false wisdom, Paul reminded them that the “Word of the Cross” (1 Cor 1:18) is the basis for the church’s unity, holiness, freedom, worship, and hope.

WoMen Only: Major themes in minor Prophets: Amos

As a Women’s Ministry we are continuing our journey through the Twelve Minor Prophets. There is rich treasure to be uncovered in these lesser-studied books of the Bible. The book of Amos has much to say to us today; calling us to reject mere religious performance that does not honor God from a faithful heart which manifests itself in sacrificial care for the needy around us. to Please join us as we study the book of Amos.  

Internal & External Journey          

Ethics for Life

It isn’t always easy to know how we should understand and apply biblical principles to the questions associated with life ethics.  What should we think about the pressing issues which dominate the headlines associated with beginning and the end of life?  All are invited as we think together about Christian ethics in a chaotic world. We will study and discuss how the Bible is sufficient to give direction to issues related to bio-ethics. Do people have the right to live or the right to die? How do we think through sanctity of life, the use of medicine, and pursuit of the quality of life? This class will look at what the Bible teaches on these issues. 

Men Only: Principles of fatherhood

We all leave our children with something. As Christian fathers we desire to leave a lasting impact on our children that will affect generations to come. No matter how many years we have with our children, we will discover how to make the most of that time with a deeper study of parenting according to Ephesians 5 and 6 and create a spiritual legacy that endures.

Coming April 20

Bible Study

A STUDY IN THE BOOK OF 1 Corinthians

Acts 18 introduces us to the port metropolis of Corinth, the chief city of Greece at the time, where Paul was commanded by Christ (1 Cor 18:9-11) to establish and nurture a church. After a year and a half of teaching them about Jesus the Messiah, Paul left to start other churches.  When he heard of the division and dysfunction that swept through the church in his absence, Paul wrote them to rebuke and correct the fundamental distortions that the Corinthians had allowed to enter into the church. In combating their source of factionalism and false wisdom, Paul reminded them that the “Word of the Cross” (1 Cor 1:18) is the basis for the church’s unity, holiness, freedom, worship, and hope.

Job & Suffering 

Internal & External Journey          

To the ends of the earth