
The goal of our Bible for Life classes is to make disciples by rightly understanding and applying God’s Word to every aspect of our lives.  

Join Us Sundays at 9:15am

Our Bible for Life classes are designed to give a comprehensive understanding of God’s Word that can be applied in every part of life.
We invite you to look over these classes and prayerfully consider which class will most help you as you continue growing in Christ.

Current Classes

Bible Study


God’s messianic promise fulfilled in Jesus, Son of David, Immanuel: The only hope for the spiritually destitute and only foundation for the redeemed. A call to the exercise of faith in view of the promises and warnings of The Christ.

External Journey          

discovering Christ

This class takes the core concepts of the Gospel of Mark and relates them simply and directly to people who are not yet Christians. The class content is not meant to be exhaustive or deeply theological. Instead, it gives the simplest and most straightforward explanations of the facts of the gospel, what is necessary for sinners to be forgiven of their sins and spend eternity with God in heaven. The class is primarily designed for non-Christians, especially those who are basically unfamiliar with Christianity, and secondarily for existing Christians who desire to learn how to go through the gospel of Mark with an unbeliever.

Internal Journey

Monday is coming: true Worship in the christian life

We often look forward with great expectation to Sunday and the gathering of the local church, but by itself, this anticipation is incomplete. While we frequently live our week in the hope-filled knowledge that Sunday is coming, the reality is that right on its heels, Monday is coming! In this BFL, we will explore worship in the Christian life and examine how the things that we do as we gather give us a lens through which to view all of life. We will survey the biblical and historical context of worship, examine our own gathered worship practices, and seek to apply God's Word to the weekly rhythms of our lives in a way that will help us to grow in our worship of Christ throughout the week. No area of our lives is exempt from the lordship of Jesus Christ and to that end we must be reminded that Monday is Coming!

mental health & the christian life

Anxiety and melancholy rob us of our joy and fellowship with God and one another. Join us as we turn to scripture and church history with the goal of providing biblical and practical ways that we can contend for peace and faithfulness in this challenging area.

Coming September 1

Bible Study

A STUDY IN THE BOOK OF 1 Corinthians

External Journey          

Faith & Politics
1-3-5 Discipleship: Disciples making disciples

Internal Journey