Grouped by: Church Office

    Christmas Eve Service
    12.19.24 | Articles | by Church Office

    Join us Tuesday, December 24, at 5:00pm for our Christmas Eve Service. We will be singing Christmas carols, hearing the Scriptures read about Christ’s birth, and participating in the Lord’s Supper. Come join us as we celebrate the...

      Year-End Giving Reminder
      12.19.24 | Articles | by Church Office

      Please note that all contributions made by check must be dated and postmarked by December 31 to be counted toward your 2024 contribution totals. You can also give online at on or before the 31st as well.  Note: The...

        Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
        12.06.24 | Articles | by Church Office

        The International Mission Board’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering directly supports missionaries, including eight family units from FBC. FBC's goal this year is $150,000. To give, make checks payable to “First Baptist Church&rdquo...

          Discovering Christ Class
          11.20.24 | Articles | by Church Office

          Sundays at 9:15am in Room 135 Do you have a friend who is interested in learning more about Jesus? Invite them to this class! Are you interested to learn more about Jesus? Attend this class! Would you want to learn how to use the Gospel of Mark...

            NC Disaster Relief Training
            11.14.24 | Articles | by Church Office

            Disaster Relief Training • Saturday, April 12 • 8:30am-3:00pmAs we have seen with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, the NC Baptists do an excellent job of training volunteers to be equipped and ready to respond when disaster strikes...
